If you are willing to pay, there are classes your child can take where they meet live with a teacher and classmates once or twice per week and then are given homework for the other days. These are usually for junior and senior high but more and more schools are offering elementary classes! We did this a couple years ago for a Lord of the Rings class and last year for Renaissance Literature and Chemistry. This year we will be adding in a Latin class. I do not have experience with all the schools below. This is just a curated list from what I’ve seen mentioned elsewhere. You’ll have to do your own research about each one!
One thing to note: If your student is in high school and wants to return to high school next year instead of graduating through homeschool, check with your school district to see if their classes this year need to be accredited. Otherwise, don’t worry about accreditation! They can jump back into school without it. Here is an article on the topic.
Some schools to consider:
Dreaming Spires Home Learning
Schole Academy
The House of Humane Letters
Center for Lit
Well Trained Mind Academy
The Potters School
Wasko Lit
Veritas Press
Big River Academy
Open Tent Academy
HSLDA Academy
Mr. D Math
FundaFunda Academy
True North Homeschool Academy
Heritage Online Courses
Leadership Education Academy
Home to Teach
Hazelton Academy
Wisdom Homeschooling (Canada)
Aim Academy
Williamsburg Classical Academy
Homeschool Spanish Academy
The Thinking Kid