Homeschool Podcast Suggestions

Homeschool podcasts can be such a blessing. They will give you practical tips and encouragement that help make your life easier. You’ll meet people just like you who have been where you are and can help you along your journey. But, for me, the biggest benefit has been learning about the WHY behind the WHAT. Learning more about the particular method(s) we use helps me feel confident in my choices and gives me the motivation to keep going when I feel weary.

I’ve found that the best times to listen to podcasts are when I’m getting ready for the day, exercising, or cleaning. Find what works best for you!


Here are some Podcasts that you may find especially helpful:

Homeschool Solutions Show – A curated collection of some of the best blog posts and interviews about homeschooling. Perfect for the newbie. Start with #1!

Homeschool Snapshots – Gives you a peek into what is going on in other homeschool homes around the country.

Read-Aloud Revival – Inspiration for reading aloud to your kids. Author interviews. Discussion of various genres. Book suggestions.

Your Morning Basket – Interviews with home and school educators about various aspects of Morning Time. Start with #1!

Simply Charlotte Mason – The Charlotte Mason method explained simply! Start at the beginning for a quick walk through each subject.

Schole Sisters – Lively, cheerful, philosophical discussions between three Classical/Charlotte Mason home educators.

The Homeschool Sisters – Good especially for those with high schoolers. Practical advice.

Wild + Free – Unschooling/Charlotte Mason. Focused on giving children a quality education + preserving the adventure, wonder, and freedom of childhood.

Ambleside Flourish – Charlotte Mason method. Put out by a school in Colorado. This will give you a new way of looking at education and at your child as a person. You can also find these as videos on the web.

A Delectable Education – Charlotte Mason method. The first 10 episodes. If you listen further than that, just beware of the perfectionist monster that will try to bite you!

CiRCE Institute – Classical Education. A collection of podcasts put out by the people at the Center for Independent Research on Classical Education. These tend to be more philosophical rather than practical. Lots of great things for your own self-education!

Teaching from Rest Audio Book – This is not a podcast and it is not free ($5 on Amazon), but I just HAVE TO include it here. I listen to this at least once per year when I feel overwhelmed and stressed. It brings such peace to my soul every single time. It is worth your money!


Individual podcast episodes that I think stand out from the crowd:

(I will keep adding to this list, so you might want to save this post to return to later!)

Five Things EVERY New Homeschool Mom Must Know – Homeschool Solutions 001

The Courage to Homeschool – Wild + Free #58

Ten Things That Are Easier When You Homeschool – Homeschool Solutions 201

The Most Important Person in Your Homeschool Plan is Not Your Kid – Homeschool Solutions 008

Ten Big Fat Homeschool Fears (And How to Conquer Them) – Homeschool Solutions 103

How to Homeschool With Confidence – Homeschool Solutions 145

I’m the Homeschool Mom Without an Education Degree – Homeschool Solutions 105

Getting Your Spouse on Board – Wild + Free #9

All About Narration – Your Morning Basket #10

Homeschooling Through Hard Times – Wild + Free #45

My Child Doesn’t Like X – Aftercast #7

Homeschooling with Boys – Homeschool Solutions #198

The Best Kept Secret of Homeschooling – Aftercast #8

If It Ain’t Broke, Don’t Fix It – Aftercast #15

Why Your Curriculum Should Include Hard Books – Aftercast #14

How to Help Your Children With Hard Books – Aftercast #16

Six Tips for Homeschooling Multiple Ages (Including with Babies and Toddlers!) – Homeschooling with Moxie:

What is “Morning Time?” – Your Morning Basket #1

Furnishing the Mind – Your Morning Basket #2 (This will convince you that memorization and poetry are important!)

Why Fairy Tales Are Not Optional – Your Morning Basket #41 (Especially for Christians. Fascinating discussion.)

The Truth About Myth – Your Morning Basket #60 (Same person being interviewed as the above podcast)

Teaching History Through Story – Your Morning Basket #75

What is the Importance of Children’s Poetry – Bibliofiles #62

What We Draw Children With is What We Draw Children To – Ambleside Flourish

Cultivating an Atmosphere for Learning – Ambleside Flourish

How Atmosphere Sets Our Affections – Ambleside Flourish

The Teacher and the Atmosphere – Ambleside Flourish

Cultivating Tastes – Ambleside Flourish

What is a Habit? – Ambleside Flourish

Building a Working Alliance – Ambleside Flourish

I Am, I Can, I Ought, I Wish I Did – Simply Charlotte Mason

2 Ways to Schedule Your Homeschool Day – Simply Charlotte Mason

40 Ideas for Independent Work (Not Busywork!) – Simply Charlotte Mason

How to Finish Lessons by Lunch – Simply Charlotte Mason

Don’t Be a Curriculum Slave – Homeschool Solutions Show 006